Life Is Mostly Unspeakably Terrible, But Zendaya Exists
CALABASAS - CA Nearly all aspects of life have increasingly become Sisyphean uphill struggles mostly invisible to fellow man, marred by the indifference of friends, family, but singer and actress Zendaya, 21, exists, sources confirmed. Dreams are drying up like raisins in the sun before being ground to shreds by the teeth of then swallowed by not only Goliath corporate entities shown favor by the universe but also by those who one has previously trusted, even loved with the belief that said love would never be extinguished, but reportedly star of K.C. Undercover, Zendaya is a living, breathing human on this earth.
One’s external life can be likened to trying to right a crewless ship in a storm wrought on by vengeful gods; while that results in one’s internal life becoming disparately similar to a journey through each level of the Malebolge before ending up in the unforgiving, lonely frozen lake where one will gradually let the ice take over one’s body much like the fallen angel himself, but co-star of Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Zendaya walks among us, a fellow soul playing her own part in this grand human endeavor according to eyewitness sources.
At press time, sources reported that a tear rolls down one’s cheek, partly in gratitude.